Thursday, January 30, 2020

Study Skills and Infomation Literacy for Students Essay Example for Free

Study Skills and Infomation Literacy for Students Essay Excellent study skills and information literacy are essential for the successful path of education in every student’s life. Nowadays, students face more challenges in their daily tasks and duty due to the accelerating progress of information, communication and technology. They have step their feet into the zone of competition among others to obtain outstanding achievements in each thing they perform. So, how are they going to ensure if they could acquire these meets and criteria to express themselves as great achievers? Therefore, it is crucial for them to adapt and practice these study skills and information literacy in their life. Study skills are the abilities and approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to success in school, are considered essential for acquiring good grades, and are useful for learning throughout ones life. Besides, they are very basic techniques for learning relatively unsophisticated materials. Study skills can be developed to improve a learner’s capacity to learn. If we learn how to study effectively, how to find information that we need, how to read and understand what we read, how to memorize things, and how to plan ahead for tests, then we will not only make better grades, but will also learn more easily. Good study skills can help us learn good discipline skills which will help us in our life after school as well. Without good study skills, a student cannot succeed. To succeed, students must be able to appropriately assimilate course content, digest it, reflect on it, and be able to articulate that information is in written or in oral form. Many people feel the hours of study are the most important. However, students can study for hours and in the end retain very little. Besides, study skills are significant to promote a passion for what students wish to do. Passion is critical and leads to an intense interest, dedication, and commitment to achieve career, goals and objectives. They also feel comfortable and easy going when their time is managed properly. Essentially having well developed study skills will help them become more confident, effective, productive and intelligent in both of their personal and professional lives. These skills are the sole foundation of a good education. Good study skills will save their time and by that token they tend to have more time to spend with friends or doing other activities such as sports or service projects. Moreover, these will result in less stress because given any topic they will know how to approach learning the material. Likewise, information literacy too plays an important role in student’s success in learning. Information literacy is the ability to evaluate the credibility of information and to use information properly. We identify what information is needed, understand how the information is organized, identify the best sources of information for a given need, locate those sources, evaluate the sources critically, and share that information. It is the knowledge that commonly used in research techniques. Why information literacy is crucial? Information literacy is critically important because we are surrounded by a growing ocean of information in all formats. Not all information is created equal; some is authoritative, current, reliable, but some is biased, out of date, misleading and false. The amount of information available is going to keep increasing. The types of technology used to access, manipulate, and create information will consequently expand. ‘People are information literate who know when they need information, and are then able to identify, locate, evaluate, organize and effectively use the information to address and resolve personal, job-related or broad social issues and problems’, (adopted by the 2003 UNESCO meeting in Prague). Information literacy provides an opportunity for people to acquire knowledge and provides motivation to them to pursue learning throughout their lives. Therefore, it is a mean of personal empowerment. In addition, in order to perform their roles and responsibilities, individuals need various types of information inputs. â€Å"Information is, in fact, our most precious resource. In such a world, education should empower everyone, not the few. But for information to become knowledge, and ultimately, one hopes, wisdom, it must be organized. In this new climate, the public interest challenge, beyond access and equity is sorting and selection† (Boyer, 1997, p. 140). We are outfitting our schools, libraries, and homes with electronic technologies. But are we reparing students for the onslaught of information that is provided by these technologies. What happens when students get more information from the internet and than previously conveyed by their teachers or textbooks? What should a student do when faced with so many informational possibilities? This is where information literacy establishes it’s important thus, they need to understand and differentiate between types of information. They must define the need of the information and relating it to knowledge. These are all the implementation of information literacy which benefits students during their study time. Furthermore, they will not be panic once get an abundant supply of information, because they are already exposed to the method on how to manage such information. Hence, they will solve the specific problem regarding that matter with a suitable solution without any distractions and pressure. To articulate more on our study skills’ topic, one of the most important skill is the time management. Time should be well managed, before, during and also after completing a task. Usually, before starting my task, I will divide it into several parts. This is to ensure that I do not feel bored or stressed. For example, recently my English language teacher asked me to come up with a simple newsletter and the duration given to complete and submit this task is one week. So first, I selected the title. Then, I divided the newsletter into cover page, content, acknowledgement, introduction, essays, articles, ending, reflection and reference. I set my time to finish these things, such on the first day; I completed the cover page, acknowledgement and introduction. Next day, I took my initiative to find materials hence, finished the essays and the articles and so on for coming two days. After that, I did the last parts of the newsletter. By taking these steps to complete it, I did benefit a lot because when I set a specific time to do it, that means I will put my full effort to find the materials, do the draft and type it by the day itself. These ensure that, the duty set to be finished does not get postponed. Besides, I would not undergo stress and face difficulties during doing it, because I have already divided the tasks so, each has it’s own time set to be done. Therefore, after finish one, the next day I do proceed to another, means the work pressure and burden are not felt that much, because it is not an overnight’s work. Each second is precious, so we should not waste any of it, as the proverb says, ‘time is golden’. Time is the most valuable one because once it has passed then, we cannot bring it back, gone is gone that is it! Thence, each second and minute we should spend for good deeds as it could bring us splendid input! Other than managing my time for my studies, I too need to deal well with my time to be with my family, to socialize and to just be alone sometimes. In some case where I had a lot of stuffs to be done, and at the same time I we would plan for a family gathering party. So, this is the point where I need to list my priority; of which comes first and must be settled. Family is also important, but compare to my study stuffs, I have to give them first priority, because almost all the time I can spend time with my family, but my assignments; there is time restriction for it. Therefore I need to adhere to the deadline given. Foremost, I have to handle time wisely, where before I turn on the television or go for a play, I will finish my homework first. I have developed a schedule for my daily routines to make sure I have time for everything I want do get done. In fact, I choose specific time slots in a week to study the subjects, to validate that I do not blow them off. I would also fix some goals when managing my time. Instead, of ‘I will read this whole chapter this night’ I will set ‘I am going to read five at daytime and the rest five before bedtime’. This method will be a fine one and give my mind a break before I proceed to the next chapter. I always try to keep my schedule flexible. When unexpected events occur, I will adjust it according to the urge and revise it again. Then, I also add up and circle the total number of study hours I realistically plan to set aside daily. Sometimes, I do reward myself for using study time effectively. This way will ensure that, I really occupy the time for studying, because I know once I am done with that, I will sure get my reward! This is also proven by researches, where people work better if they get an immediate gift for their effort. So in my schedule permits, I do set up a reward system. For example, I will allow myself to telephone my friend, watch my favorite movie or munch on little snacks. To guarantee that this system functions well, I do strictly follow my schedule honestly without cheating. In addition, concentration in class is really very important to achieve well grades. Since, sometimes after I reach home I feel so tired and lazy to revise the book, so meanwhile the teacher is teaching, I always sit in front, seldom chit chat with my buddies, focus and pay attention to her. I do that because; I would remember the verbal and non verbal communication between us, the action and the questions that she asked me. Then I try to have a small flashback on what I learned on that day. I also be alert in the class, because anytime questions might arise and possibilities for myself to answer it may be high too. All these scenes will be fresh in my mind even till the last hours when I am going to sit for my exams. Is it weird? Of course not, because when I am answering my exam questions I will come to an end where I am out of idea and do not know what else to answer to solve the question. So the alternate way is reflecting back to my times in the classroom, the conversation between me and my sir, the question did rose, my answers, the diagrams on the whiteboard and also the solving method; I am very sure these matters did helped me to answer because, somehow when reflecting all those things, I will come to an idea or solution for the questions. That is why concentration in class is very much significant. From my experience, one of the major elements of study skills which contributed to my study’s success is the mind map. What is a mind map actually? It is the ‘whole- brain alternative to linear thinking and reaches out in all directions and catches thoughts from any angle’ by ( Michael Michalko, cracking creativity). Mind map is the ultimate organizational study tool. It is very effective for me, because by doing mind map, it is easy for me to put information into my brain which maps out my thoughts. It is very simple too. Mind map gives an overview of a huge subject to me, besides enable me to gather together large amounts of data in one place. Moreover, it boosts problem solving by allowing me to see new creative pathways. Fore most, it is enjoyable to be seen, read, muse over and remember. Mind map had helped me a lot in my studies to learn faster and more efficiently, see the whole picture of the problem and also to remember better. These are because, mind maps use colours, curved lines, symbol, words and images according to a set of simple, basic , natural and brain- friendly rules. Colour is the leading feature in a mind map. I would start it by putting in my favorite colours and make it to appear more interesting; as it also triggers my creative thinking processes. To add more, mind map includes each aspect of the left and right brains and is therefore a superb whole- brained thinking tool. This is because when I do mind maps, I do use words, logics, numbers, lists, images, dimensions, and colours too; mean it has occupied fully my brain and assists to come up with new ideas and problem solving methods. If we do look deeply, everything is someway connects to everything else. This is very true because when I am given a complication to be solved in studies, first I would take a minute to think about the main topic I need to investigate and that will be the center part of my mind map. For example, it allows me to focus on the topic that will be titled â€Å"daily living†. Next I start to add sub- branches and they will be connected to the title as leisure, diet, work, study, exercise and ideal hours. From each of the sub- branch, it will form new sub- branches. For instance, under diet, I would come up with ideas connected to it such as, vitamins, balanced meals and water; for the sub- branch of study there will form new branches namely, subjects, ways to study and needs to study. Beneath needs for study, I could write again well balanced meals and also vitamins. So these both diet and study branches; come to a point of sharing the same sub- branches. At here it is clearly shown that mind map helped me to demonstrate the connection between isolated pieces of information while letting me to group and regroup concepts and encouraging comparison between them. Therefore I am trying to prove that, mind maps really worked for me and made me easy to remember facts which were useful for me when I answered questions that needed my biological knowledge. From the interconnected facts, I could concentrate more on the topic that serves to get information about it and transferred from short- term memory to a long term memory.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Presenting People in Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in

Presenting People in Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes, and Island Man In this essay I will compare the ways in which the poets present people in â€Å"Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes† by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and â€Å"Island Man† by Grace Nichols. In this essay I will look at the shape, structure, poetic devices and language in both poems. Firstly I will examine what the two poems are about and the ways how both poets portray the people in the poems. The poem â€Å"Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes† is about a coincidence meeting of the two working class scavengers and a beautiful, rich couple in Mercedes. This poem was set in America and was aimed to show that there is class division and was commenting on American society. In this poem there is a huge contrast between rich and poor. I know this because the description of the two scavengers and the rich couple shows us the inequality that the two classes have. The poem is not set in stanzas but can be divided into 5 stages. It is more s...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Second Hand Smoking

Thesis Statement into our Outline First take your existing and completed Thesis Statement and rewrite it here: Second hand smoking can be prevented by quitting or doing it somewhere where it won't harm other people. Second, take your two or three supporting elements (usually in the second sentence in a Thesis Statement) and give them each their own number (or bullet). – Second hand smoking can be prevented by quitting or doing it somewhere where it wont harm other people.Topic in your Thesis statement only (the first part of the first entente) (one): Second hand smoking (two): Harming other people (three – optional): Quitting smoking (four – optional): Lastly, you must give at least two pieces of specific information to each supporting element. Second Hand smoking : Causes lung cancer and also is the cause why many children die with a smoker parent Harming other people: Also harming people outside, for example people at a bus stop Quitting smoking: To also help t he smokers health, help them quit We will put in a place holder for a conclusion that will be completed next week.EXAMPLE: Everything in bold below should be In the assignment you turn In by the due date Using my Gun violence Thesis Statement: Thesis Statement: Gun violence In urban America can be a devastating plague. With gun education, better laws, and a community watch, we can help stamp out gun violence. Outline: Topic: Gun violence In urban America Gun Education Create classes to teach gun safety and proper usage Have a tutoring and mentoring program to help teach even more folks Better laws More gun control litigation Additional local laws that can help control guns Community WatchGive classes on how to form community watches Help form a foundation that can help organize different neighborhoods Into groups that can work together Conclusion: (We will get Into this later) Second Hand Smoking By millionaire's Everything in bold below should be in the assignment you turn in by th e due date Gun violence in urban America can be a devastating plague. With gun education, Topic: Gun violence in urban America Help form a foundation that can help organize different neighborhoods into groups that can work together Conclusion: (We will get into this later)

Monday, January 6, 2020

Intrinsic Motivation Essay - 2788 Words

Intrinsic Motivation Sometimes a student can be fascinated in a subject and are eager to learn more without outside influence or help. This kind of a situation is when there exists a large amount of intrinsic incentive to motivate a child. It is when a student enjoys an aspect of an activity enough to be motivated within. An intrinsic incentive could arise in any subject of interest such as dinosaurs, famous people, or far off places. However, topics that are learned in schools today do not arouse children since they find the information useless in their everyday lives (Slavin, 2000). The role of personal interest is crucial in a learning situation. It has been proven that a child who is intrinsically motivated tend to make use†¦show more content†¦It is crucial to raise the curiosity of the children and show how the material being taught can be useful to them in their daily lives. Children need a reason for learning. They desire a connection between their personal goals and the knowledg e being given in the classroom (White, 1997). Recognizing the students’ interests and basing the curriculum on them will provide the teacher with activities that can increase intrinsic motivation to learn. There should be times where students are given a choice about what they will study and in what way they will study the subject (Slavin, 2000). Children need to know that their needs are being met in the lessons and that it provides information of value to them. Participation Having students participate will increase interest as well. Standing in front of the children and lecturing will not stimulate them at all times. There also is a need for hands-on activities, chances to help the teacher, giving input on lessons, working with each other, some other ways getting physically engaged in the lessons. Students love to be helpful and needed in a classroom. It permits them to show they can be useful and can improve self-esteem (Harris, 1991). An interesting curriculum promotes participation. The archenemy of motivation is boredom. Every teacher has a measure of freedom that needs to be used to create a fascinating curriculum to maximize interest (McDaniel, 1987).Show MoreRelatedThe Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation1065 Words   |  5 PagesAll children are unique and learn in different ways, however, when it comes to their motivation they will most likely fall into one of two categories. Extrinsic motivation revolves around grades and points and com petition, and intrinsic motivation stems more from personal interests, sense of belonging, and passion to grow. (Carol Dweck). Roman, an 11-year-old high functioning autistic child, had no desire to participate in any class learning when I began working with him. He only excitedly and willinglyRead MoreMotivation, Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation951 Words   |  4 Pagesresearching on how motivation works in our brain, we cannot make a conclusion about the truth of the motivation in the past century. Luckily, Daniel Pink announces his latest results, â€Å"The Puzzle of Motivation†, on TED in 2009, which gives us a brand new idea about our motivation and how we could improve us by learning his method. In this essay, I will illustrates the main point of Daniel Pink, the evidence given in his speech, also the benefits I get from his idea which increase my self-motivation and helpsRead MoreMotivation, Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation1629 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction There are certain theories that works in the business organization at both practical and theoretical levels and one of such theories is motivation. The term motivation has been defined, discussed and has been dealt with a number of times as in accordance with the changing dynamics of the business organizations. Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci defines a person to be motivated if, a person is moved to do something. (2000). Thereby it simply means that the one who is not energized orRead MoreMotivation, Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation756 Words   |  4 PagesMotivation is a very important factor no matter what sport you coach or what the team or athlete goals are. A true coach must be able to understand their athlete and be able to tap into their motivation, maximizing their performance. Chapter four was written about two particular types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. No matter what theory you believe, all theories boil down to these two types of motivation. Knowing the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, can help you honeRead MoreExtrinsic Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation917 Words   |  4 Pagesthem the help that they need. Our agency has the ability to affect the lives of other people in a positive way, which leads to intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when the employees have positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well, rather than being dependent on external factors like incentive pay or compliments from the boss, leading to motivation to work effectively. Designing a Motivating Workplace – The Job Characteristics Model As stated previously, the five employeesRead MoreEssay on Intrinsic motivation2302 Words   |  10 PagesIntrinsic motivation Young children are compelled to learn because of their natural curiosity in life. Older children seem to need a push in the direction to learn. This describes the two types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation describes the young child. It is motivation from within and the desire someone feels to complete a task, including natural curiosity. Intrinsic motivation is anything we do to motivate ourselves without rewards from an outside source. â€Å"In relation to learning,Read MoreIntrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation1083 Words   |  5 PagesMotivation Ken 1 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Literature Review AK 11 April 2013 Professor J. Losche PSY-432 Ken 2 Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation help to fit psychological values and beliefs of an individual. Intrinsic motivation comes from the inside of an individual, such as the drive to do something. Extrinsic motivation comes from the outside factors, such as doing something for a reward. There are mixed emotionsRead MoreMotivation - Extrinsic and Intrinsic1014 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ ESSAY #2 Motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation is a key factor in determining business success or failure. Successful organizations relentlessly seek to operate with a clear understanding of employee needs , and develop specific focus’ on how to meet them. Two key theories in organizational motivation are expectancy theory and equity theory. Both theories focus on the outcomes of a given decision or system rather than on individual employee needs. The goal of both processRead More Intrinsic Motivation is Ideal1880 Words   |  8 Pagesunderstand why this attitude toward learning develops, the concept of motivation in education must be defined and examined in a theoretical sense. Motivation is an essential condition of learning (Ray, 1992, p.3). A motivating condition may be defined as an emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action. Ray (1992) comments that motivation in education is concerned with students’ motivation to learn (p.3). With the understanding of these defined conceptsRead MoreMotivation : Extrinsic And Intrinsic Factors1476 Words   |  6 PagesMotivation: An Evaluation of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors Motivation has been widely studied and particularly explored in organisational behaviour. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are two areas of current discourse that have been critically examined for motivating workforce. This paper aims to: define extrinsic and intrinsic motivations; outline the competing views regarding the relationship between the concepts; and, apply the research findings to a workplace observation within the Royal